Weddings are one of those very magical and beautiful experiences in life. There is so much that goes in to your special day. Having the opportunity to create a keepsake of that moment in time for you is truly a privilege that I feel so, so lucky to be a part of! I love seeing your pictures or learning little details about your day. And (of course!!) working with your incredible wedding bouquets. I always handle everything with the utmost care, and you can be assured your flowers are being looked after very well through this process. I am very conscious of making your wedding keepsakes as high quality as possible, down to the little detail. Seeing your pictures can help me to channel what kind of design I feel best represents you. I also do love to know what your interior in your home, or space, is like so I can take that in to consideration. I will tend to make suggestions to you about what I think would suit best and why, but ultimately it comes down to your personal preference. This is your special day and your special frame that you get to keep forever! You can be more involved in the design process, or I can surprise you! - which I’ve noticed a lot of brides seem to love.
Wedding frames will always hold a special place in my heart and I’m always honoured to work with you. You will find a link to enquire about your special keepsake frame on the front page of my website.
Love, Katie x