Bouquets can be shipped to us from all over New Zealand - below is some instruction on how to ship your bouquet in the recommended way. Bouquets need to be shipped no later than 5 days after the event - the next day or two days after, is ideal. It is important to consider this and have a plan in place, especially if you are enquiring ahead of time. It also takes the pressure off. There will always be some exceptions to this as sometimes we get last minute enquiries, but will always advise you on your individual circumstances. 

Please wrap your bouquet in very wet paper towels - this is really important so we keep the flowers thriving - and secure them in a container (that won’t leak) - like the image shown below.

We want your bouquet in the best condition as possible so it is important to keep it upright when it is being shipped. You want to surround any gaps where it might move with tissue paper, or newspaper will work just fine too. You can also use a structured bag to ensure your bouquet stays upright.